Blenheim District PS will cultivate a community of learners by working in partnership with family to create a safe and welcoming environment for reaching the hearts and empowering the minds of our students in order to ensure student achievement.
Mobile Device Use:
All members of the school community must:
Respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching, including by ensuring that cell phones and other personal mobile devices are used only during instructional time (as directed by an educator), for health and medical purposes and/or to support special education needs.
– Ministry of Education expectations
This year, all mobile devices will be “parked” in the classroom, in a secure location, once the students enter the school.
Communication between students and parents will be done through the office.
Failure to follow Blenheim’s mobile device policy will result in—
· 1st Offence – warning
· 2nd Offence – the mobile device is taken from the student immediately and the student must pick it up at the office immediately before dismissal.
· 3rd Offence – the mobile device is taken from the student immediately and the parent must come to the office to pick up the device
· 4th Offence and continuing – the student will face further consequences with possible school suspension.
According to the newly legislated and strongly enforced privacy laws, you cannot take a photo or record another person without explicit permission. This is to avoid student and staff images being posted online. It is important that our students and staff have their privacy protected. This legislation also helps prevent online bullying. Ove the course of the year it is our goal to educate our students in a legal, safe, thoughtful and respectful use of technology.
School Dress Code:
At BDPS, our Dress Code allows for the expression of individuality and personal choice while showing a high degree of respect, respect for others and respect for the learning environment. Therefore, staff and students are expected to wear clothing appropriate for school activities and meet the following criteria:
· Clothing must be free of profanity, and discriminatory or offensive slogans, phrases or pictures
· Undergarments are hidden from view
· The 3 B’s must be covered: belly, backside and bust
· Hats are for outside only
· Indoor shoes must be clean
· Athletic shoes with non-marking soles for Phys Ed Class.
Students are encouraged to participate in making respectful and responsible decisions about clothing. However, the final decision on appropriateness rest with the principal.
Cannabis, CBD Oil, Tobacco and a Smoke Free Environment
Students may not possess “alcohol, illegal drugs, or unless the pupil is a medical cannabis user, cannabis”. (Section 306 and Section 310 of the Education Act.)
Rules for Minimum Age
· In December 2017, Ontario passed legislation that establishes rules for lawful use, sale and distribution of recreational cannabis.
· The new law sets a minimum age of 19 to use, buy, possess and cultivate cannabis in Ontario. This is the same as the minimum age for tobacco and alcohol sales.
· Even though recreational cannabis will be legal for adults, 19 and older, it will still be prohibited in schools.
CBD Oil is considered a medication. If a student is using this oil in a school, a medical prescription is required. Please refer to the Support Students with Prevalent Medical/Health Conditions in Schools Procedure, specifically sections 3.1 and 3.2.
Students, staff and visitors are prohibited from smoking or vaping on school board property and within 20 metres from any point of the perimeter of any school board property. This includes the smoking or holding of lighted tobacco or cannabis (marijuana), and includes a ban on the use of e-cigarettes and electronic smoking devices. Students and staff that have a legal medical document authorizing them to use medical cannabis will be able to do so on school board property, but only in a non-smoking or non-vaping form (e.g., capsules, edibles and oils). Students, staff and visitors are also prohibited from using shisha, smokeless tobacco and/or cannabis products (unless medically prescribed) and all related accessories. This code of conduct is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and on school buses, or during any part of an official school field trip, including athletic team trips and school club excursions.
Failure to comply with this code of conduct may result in internal student discipline (e.g., warning, notification to parents/guardians, withdrawal of privilege, suspension, etc.) and/or charges and fines issued by an Officer of a Provincial Enforcement Agency.
Expectations for Recess Behaviour:
BDPS students are expected to demonstrate respectful behaviour toward peers, staff and school materials/equipment, to use appropriate language and to play safely at all times.
· Students must ask a yard supervisor to enter the school for any reason
· Students should seek out a yard supervisor (in an orange vest) for assistance if necessary
· No electronics on the yard
· During winter months, snow must stay on the ground. Throwing snowballs is unsafe for everyone.
· Avoid wearing crocs or boots as they are not permitted on the play equipment for safety concerns
Eating Lunch at School:
Students are expected to –
· Eat in their own rooms
· Remain in their seats and be respectful to other students in a quiet manner while eating their lunch
· Dispose of garbage and recyclable material ad sure desks and floors are clear of garbage
· NO electronics at lunch
· The supervisors will dismiss students outside
Consequences of Behaviour
At Blenheim DSP, we believe that working collaboratively and communicating honestly will lead to strong home-school relationships, positive change, improved behaviour and a safer school environment. Our goal is to ensure that all of our students are safe, and feel supported by all members of our school community.
As in all TVDSB schools, the staff members at BDPS employ a progressive discipline approach to address student behaviour. Disciplinary issues will be addressed in a manner that emphasizes student learning, and leads to positive change.
In most cases, staff members working directly with the student will address inappropriate student behaviour at the classroom level. The principal may also address student behaviour. As always, our goal is to collaborate with the student and their family, to develop solutions that address undesirable behaviours, and to help students be successful at school. Parents/guardians are welcome to call the school office to ask questions or discuss any concerns.
Remember – we are all responsible for our own actions and choices. We must be prepared to accept the consequences of our choices. The staff at BDPS will endeavor to foster positive, responsible and respectful behaviour at all times.
1. Choose the safest walking route to and from the bus stop to your home. Arrive approximately 5 minutes ahead of the scheduled bus stop.
2. Line up and board the bus promptly in single file without crowding or pushing. Use the hand rail when boarding.
3. Proceed directly to your seat, and remain seated with feet in front and not in the aisle.
4. Speak in a normal quiet voice. Avoid disturbances that may distract the driver. Obscene language will result in consequences such as suspension from riding the bus.
5. Only open windows with the driver's permission. Always keep hands, head, and arms inside the bus. Never throw anything in or out of the bus.
6. Passengers are prohibited from consuming food or beverages while on the bus.
7. Behave in a courteous manner toward other passengers, and obey the bus driver, who is in charge of the bus. Drivers will report any misconduct to the principal.
8. Students will be denied the privilege of riding the bus for not observing bus rules, regulations and instructions.
9. Students or their parents will be held financially responsible for any willful damage done while on the bus.
It is important to remember that riding the bus to and from school is a privilege, not a right. Students who are unable to meet the expected behavioural standards may have this privelage revoked.