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    Welcome Back To School

    Click the link above to follow instructions to register for JK - 8. 

    feature 2

    Sign in to the Online Payment system if you are already a registered user.

    Parents/guardians can now pay for items such as field trips, uniforms, year books, tickets, and so much more, online! Our site is simple, safe and secure!
    - Anytime, anywhere, online access

    Payment Options include:

    • Debit Payment (note: CIBC and Simplii Financial Debit cards do not work online)
    • Interac© / Visa© / MasterCard©

    In addition to these step-by-step instructions you will find extensive online support through the Cash Online Website, but questions specific to Thames Valley can be directed to our School Cash Online Parent Help Desk: 519-452-2000 extension 20345.

    Do you need assistance finding your child's student number? 

    1. Get student number directly from your Parent Portal 
    2. Get it emailed to you


    Click photo above to go to the Parent Portal